
  • Yes, mostly. However, our pattern of breathing can change due to any number of reasons, such as a persistent cough, wheezing, anxiety, chronic pain, or Covid. If these habits persist you may form a new breathing pattern, and without realising, be causing underlying changes in your health.

  • Symptoms as wide-ranging as a bloated stomach, tingling fingers, cold hands or feet and wheezing could be attributed to how you are breathing. How we breathe can have a huge impact on our nervous system and digestive system, so some clients have seen reduction of symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks and reflux.

  • Whilst the Buteyko Breathing Association and others are trying to make this information more widely available to everyone, there is no funding from Pharmaceutical companies, so cost is an issue. This is ironic, considering that with this basic information people could be treated very cheaply. Breathing is free and has the power to change your health outcomes in a relatively short space of time!

  • The Buteyko method is named after a Ukranian doctor called Konstantin Buteyko, who first developed the techniques in the 1950s. It was based on observations he made whilst on wards with extremely ill patients in Russia. He observed that the more ill the patients were, the more they were breathing. Much more research has now been done into both this and other breathing techniques, and mounting evidence is gathering to show how effective it can be in many medical circumstances.

  • Research has shown that approximately one third of asthma patients have been misdiagnosed, and actually have Breathing Pattern Disorder . Even those who have a confirmed diagnosis of asthma, can be helped by using these exercises. Trials have shown significant improvements in symptoms and outcomes for patients with asthma, and it is used within the NHS as an adjunct for asthma treatment. It is also incredibly safe, with no known side effects.

  • If you are still having breathing difficulties after Covid, these exercises can be extremely helpful. Trials are still being undertaken in this area.

  • It involves at least 5 sessions normally, and requires at least 6 weeks of practise – approximately 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. It is like any new skill- the more frequently you practise, the better you get! It is, however, personalised and we progress at the speed that suits you. First, Katy will establish what you already know, and what you’ve already tried. She will also do a health screen to check that Buteyko is suitable. It is a very safe technique, but in some cases should not be used, eg. Kidney failure, recent heart attack/stroke. All medical information is treated with the strictest confidence. 

  • Yes! In a word- it is suitable for those over the age of 4 in general. The techniques don’t differ hugely, but are delivered in a more child friendly way. 

  • People who benefit include asthma sufferers, but also those who habitually mouth breathe or snore. It could help if you identify as having any of the following symptoms: feeling short of breath, bloated feeling in stomach, tinging fingers, unable to breathe deeply, cold hands and feet and dizzy spells. Some of my case studies have also shown improvements in reflux symptoms, anxiety and also significant impacts on running times!